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Breezair Fault Code 04
Fault: 4 Red Flashes = Failure to clear probes during drain within 4 minutes (where drain valve fitted).
Technical Use Only:
Check the drain valve opens and water drains from the tank,
with nothing obstructing the outflow of water. (e.g. drain hose
Excessive drain hose lengths or bends cause air locking and
won’t allow water to drain.
Build up of foreign material in drain hose not allowing water to
drain away correctly.
Screws used to fix drain hoses to drain adaptors restricting
water from draining from tank.
Drain valve has failed to open when drain was initiated.
Inlet water solenoid not shutting off water when the drain is
Water will only flow one way through the inlet water solenoid
valve. Therefore, it must be installed correctly. Directional
arrow must be pointing towards the float valve assembly. If
not, water will not shut off. (Directional arrow can be found on
the bottom of the solenoid valve body).
Debris interfering with water sensor probes.
Probes not clipped onto mounting brackets correctly.
Check cooler is level and water drains quickly.
For Breezair Extraordinaire, Breezair Icon, Breezair Supercool, Breezair TBQ and older models.