Error Code h01 69: Fuse Blown. The 24Vac voltage level has been lost completely possibly due to the 2A fuse being open circuited.
Brivis Error Code 69 Fuse Blown: The 24Vac voltage level has been lost completely possibly due to the 2A fuse being open circuited.
For Heater Repair Tech Only
Reason: This error code indicates the 2 Amp fuse on the NG-2 has blown due to a short circuit on the 24 Volt wiring circuit. Short Circuit Over Temperature Circuits If either the supply air Over heat switch is shorted to Earth, then the N-G2 2 Amp fuse will be blown: ERROR If either the return air or supply air switch is shorted together then the switch function is disabled. Service Check List: • Check if the 24 Volt internal wiring circuit to the over temperature switches, pressure switch/s and gas valve is not shorted to Earth. • Check that any wiring connected to the On-Board relays is not shorted to Earth. • Check that any wiring connected to the 24V terminal is not shorted to Earth (i.e. Network 506 module as well as the wiring to the refrigeration compressor relay if applicable). • Check the gas valve solenoid coil is not shorted. Low Voltage Fuse 24 VAC 2A Fuse